  • 中国大陆 福建省
  • 船艇
公司简介: 厦门恒丰隆五金有限公司,位于风景优美的厦门,创办于2009年,是一家专业服务于游艇行业的紧固件提供商。公司产品涉及高品质螺丝、螺母、垫圈以及法国进口FILTEC+螺纹护套等,材质以不锈钢316/316L及钛合金TC4为主。公司产品库存齐全,品种丰富,质量优良,可以满足不同游艇型号的各项紧固需求。 游艇是高端产品,有灵魂,自带光环。相信每一艘游艇的问世,都离不开配件商对质量的把关,大到游艇的整船设计、动力马达,小到一颗不起眼的螺丝钉,都需要我们用心地去对待,内在保证产品质量,外在使所有的零部件很好地融合在一起。 我们致力于为游艇行业提供高品质的紧固件产品及服务已有十数载,赢得了众多游艇客户的高度认可。螺丝虽小,责任重大,我们将继续秉承着“质量至上、服务至上”的原则,为游艇行业尽一份微薄之力。 Xiamen Hengfenglong Hardware Co., Ltd. is located in the beautiful Xiamen city. Founded in 2009, Hengfenglong is a fastener provider specializing in the yacht industry. The company's products include high-quality screws, nuts, washers and FILTEC+ thread inserts imported from France. The main materials are stainless steel 316/316L and titanium alloy TC4. The company's product inventory is complete, rich in variety and of high quality, which can meet various fastening needs of different yacht models. Yachts are high-end products with soul and aura. We believe that the launch of every yacht is inseparable from the quality control of the parts manufacturer. From the entire design of the yacht, the power motor, to the smallest screw, we need to treat it with intensive care and guarantee the quality of product., which makes all the parts fit together perfectly. We have been committed to providing high-quality fastener products and services to the yacht industry for more than ten years, and have won high recognition from many yacht customers. Although the screw is small, the responsibility is huge. We will continue to uphold the principle of "quality first, service-oriented" and do our modest contribution to the yacht industry.
  • 船艇

  • 2009

  • 不锈钢316/304紧固件(螺丝/螺母/垫片等),钛合金紧固件(螺丝/螺母/垫片等),法国进口FILTEC+螺纹护套,瑞典进口NORD-LOCK锁紧垫圈,等等。

  • 同安工业集中区建材物流园93号102

  • 10-50人

  • 361100

  • www.xmhfl.net.cn

介绍 产品